Saturday, March 27, 2010

Exeunt Omnes: March the Twenty-Seventh

Well, as it turns out, my computer's camera is not broken, or at least not permanently, but I've gotten so far out of the rhythm of taking the pictures that I'm not going to try to resume. In any case, my facial hair seems to have mostly stopped growing. I don't know why, exactly, but it hasn't been noticeably different for over a week, now. Whatever. I'm still going to finish out the month, but this is my farewell blog post. So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Modus Operandi

It seems that I will have to change my methods if this project is to survive. Evidently Photobooth is completely shot on my laptop–I think the lens might be broken, somehow. If that's the case, I have no idea how it happened, unless the ugly, ugly My First Mustache I've been sporting killed it. It's been a few days since I've done anything with this site, but I'm considering trying to make the switch to my digital camera. No guarantees just yet, though. We'll see what the next few days bring, and then make the final judgment call. So, I suppose that it's possible that this is the penultimate post. Sad, but not really.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Day Fifteen: The Ides

Three things:
1.) I didn't post yesterday or Saturday, due to a combination of business and not feeling like it.
2.) I have been looking forward to this day all month, because it would allow me to use the title, "The Ides." I am very happy about this.
3.) For some reason, the Photobooth application is not working for me currently. That means no photos today, and, should the problem persist, a vastly different method of picture-taking from here on out–presumably, I'll have to use my own camera, which could result in some of those really stupid-looking shots of the photographer in a mirror, camera in hand. I hope to avoid this.

So... that's today: The Ides (I'm having too much fun with this).

Friday, March 12, 2010

Day Twelve: Beard on the Day of My Birth

I'm nineteen today! Hurrah! Beard!:

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day Eleven: March the Eleventh

I realized that, yesterday, I forgot to adjust the sharpness, so the pictures probably didn't look very clear. Well, I fixed it for today. Enjoy the crappiness.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day Ten: March the Tenth

These are going up late today, due to problems with my internet connection earlier. Also, today I received my first negative comment on my unkempt facial hair. Progress! Anyway, Exhibit A:

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day Nine: March the Ninth

I feel like the rate of growth has slowed down a little bit, but that might be just my imagination. In any case, the beard is not yet proving to be an inconvenience of any kind. Let's hope that continues. Also, I don't think it's gotten long enough to look freakish, despite the very clear patchiness. In any case, the photographic evidence: